Fitness Equipment
The Hand Held Fitness Tool
so unique it is
protected by 3 US patents
strength training for athletes Athletes fitness sport exerciser for upper body strength and cardio workouts
US Orders $39.95
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Links to Some
Specific Applications

   Arm Toning
   Cardio Booster
   Strength Training
 Special Needs
   Adaptive Exercise
   Dementia Fitness
   Multiple Sclerosis
   Muscular Dystrophy
   Seated Exercise
   Athletic Trainers
   Coach & Athletic Director
   Strength Training
   Breast Cancer
   Lowers Blood Sugar
   Occupational Therapy
   Physical Therapy
   Stroke Recovery

golf exercises for power

wrist workout for power

tennis workouts for power

strength training for racket sports

arm workouts for strength

hand muscle strength training

"Bigger Isn't Stronger"
HeartFlex Strength Training For Athletes
   HeartFlex uses "consistent resistance" over a range of motion coupled with multiple repetitions, similar to the workout for power created by a swimming workout. HeartFlex is specifically designed for muscle strength training not muscle size building.
   HeartFlex performs workouts for strength not size. Using various HeartFlex movements combined with multiple repetitions builds explosive muscle power in the hands, arms, shoulders, chest, and back.
   HeartFlex muscle strength training targets and builds sports specific muscle power to maximize performance.
   HeartFlex exercises for power combine simple and easy movements with multiple repetitions to unleash the time proven muscle strength training of swimming exercise - without the water.

HeartFlex Workouts For Strength Improve Endurance and Stamina
   Like a swimming workout HeartFlex uses resistance exercise plus repetitions to build muscle power and overall cardio endurance and stamina.

   "…I use the HeartFlex to strengthen hands, arms, and chest for golfing activities. Along with these benefits I get vital cardiovascular exercise. All in all I find the HeartFlex to be a winner…"

- Ted Mills, PGA Pro Golfer

HeartFlex Works for ALL Fitness Levels
   The intensity of a HeartFlex workout for power is made as easy or challenging as desired by varying the movement, rhythm, and number of repetitions performed.

HeartFlex Improves Muscle Power While Increasing Range of Motion
   Flexibility is improved during strength training for muscle power and sports performance because the passive resistance created by HeartFlex allows athletes to push the limits of their range of motion during workouts for power without the danger of "over loading" or "over extending" joints and muscles.

   "I have played and competed in at least five organized sports. I wish I would have had the HeartFlex 40 years ago. This has been great for my hands, wrists and arms. And the cardio effect is incredible."

- Mitch C.

HeartFlex Quickly Performs Warm UPs and Cool DOWNs
   HeartFlex before workouts for strength training to stretch upper body muscles to their optimum performance length. Muscles have been compared to taffy because if they are stretched when cold they tear and break but after being wormed up they will bend and stretch without structural damage.
   HeartFlex performs both static and dynamic stretches.
   HeartFlex exercises cool down athletes after performing exercises for power and sporting events. Post exertion cool downs allow the athlete to eliminate accumulated muscle toxins, and re-establish pre-exertion physiology.
   Small, lightweight, and compact it conveniently fits in a locker or gym bag.

   "It is a wonderful warm up tool as well as training tool for golfers. It can be used sitting or standing, and does not require complicated routines to be memorized. It is simple, easy to use, very effective, lightweight and affordable. A highly recommended tool."

- Dr. Christian Reichardt

HeartFlex Speeds Recovery from Injury
   HeartFlex's unique design is ideal for rehabilitating injured muscles and structures because it creates only "consistent passive" resistance that speeds healing and lessens the likelihood of re injury during recovery. Other products using springs, rubber bands, or weights produce "progressive resistance" which can overload and damage sensitive healing structures.

   "The HeartFlex upper body exerciser is, without reservation, the best fitness product to injury."

- From Dr. Kimberley Williams article entitled "HeartFlex and the Golfer"

Improves ALL activities that benefit from increased wrist strength - including video gaming, motorcycle riding, jet skiing, wakeboarding, name it!

See Why it Works.

Still not convinced; want more information before you buy? Read our testimonials.

Money back guarantee and free priority shipping.

The HeartFlex Hand-Held Exerciser
The HeartFlex - Made in the USA
Made in the USA
resistance workouts for strength

strength training for wrestling

baseball muscle strength training

baseball exercises for power

tennis exercises for power

golf workouts for power

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